This study analyzes the normative power policy of the European Union (EU) in its relationships with Africa through the Cotonou Agreement, which includes normative provisions and conditionality, and the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs). The study also tries to evaluate how effective the EU's normative power policy towards the continent and these agreements developed within the framework of the normative values are in the strengthening of the region. In the study, which was conducted by using the literature review method, current articles, books, and reports on the subject have been examined. The results of the study revealed that the normative power policy of the EU in its relations with Africa has been based on a realistic strategy rather than an idealist approach, and this policy has been used to realize the EU's political and economic interests, which have been the basis of its relations with the countries in the continent where the EU has a colonial past. In other words, the study argues that the normative power used by the EU in its relations with Africa is based on the economic interests of the EU. Therefore, it has been argued that the normative power policy of the EU towards the continent, the Cotonou Agreement developed within the framework of normative values, and the EPA has not been effective in improving and developing Africa. In particular, the EU practices cannot be implemented in compliance with the normative values it has set forth as part of the economic and commercial cooperation. The promotion of the values, the strengthening, and development of the continent might be kept relatively in the second place by the Union by prioritizing its own interests in economy and commercial cooperation. In this context, considering the structure and basic needs of the continent rather than the interests of the member states in the EU's normative approach to the continent will both ensure consistency in the normative approach of the EU by preventing the interests of the Union and its member states from getting ahead of EU norms and will be extremely important in the development and strengthening of the continent.


This study analyzes the normative power policy of the European Union (EU) in its relationships with Africa through the Cotonou Agreement, which includes normative provisions and conditionality, and the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs). The study also tries to evaluate how effective the EU's normative power policy towards the continent and these agreements developed within the framework of the normative values are in the strengthening of the region. In the study, which was conducted by using the literature review method, current articles, books, and reports on the subject have been examined. The results of the study revealed that the normative power policy of the EU in its relations with Africa has been based on a realistic strategy rather than an idealist approach, and this policy has been used to realize the EU's political and economic interests, which have been the basis of its relations with the countries in the continent where the EU has a colonial past. In other words, the study argues that the normative power used by the EU in its relations with Africa is based on the economic interests of the EU. Therefore, it has been argued that the normative power policy of the EU towards the continent, the Cotonou Agreement developed within the framework of normative values, and the EPA has not been effective in improving and developing Africa. In particular, the EU practices cannot be implemented in compliance with the normative values it has set forth as part of the economic and commercial cooperation. The promotion of the values, the strengthening, and development of the continent might be kept relatively in the second place by the Union by prioritizing its own interests in economy and commercial cooperation. In this context, considering the structure and basic needs of the continent rather than the interests of the member states in the EU's normative approach to the continent will both ensure consistency in the normative approach of the EU by preventing the interests of the Union and its member states from getting ahead of EU norms and will be extremely important in the development and strengthening of the continent.


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