Evaluation of Electric Power Plants and Production Capacity in Turkey

Evaluation of Electric Power Plants and Production Capacity in Turkey

In this study, Turkey's current installed capacity of power plants and plants number distribution were studied. Over time, the methods developed for energy demand and the statistical evaluation of the existing resource potential in installed power have been made. Initially, electricity was produced by thermal and hydroelectric power plants. Although production diversity has increased recently with the use of renewable energy sources, Turkey is a dependent country on foreign energy. In addition, recent studies indicate that Turkey's demand for energy will increase further. To meet the increasing demand, the construction of two nuclear power plants is ongoing. Besides, electric energy production continues with wind and solar power plants. The ratio of solar power plants in total production has increased from 0.3% to 1.4% in the last five years, and the ratio of wind power plants in total production has increased from 2.6% to 3.8%. As a result, the policies to be followed in determining the production methods in the upcoming periods are discussed and suggestions are presented.


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