In this study magnetization has been investigated with the help of Ising model in the frame of non-extensive statistical mechanics where a behavior of interacting elementary moments ensemble is taken into consideration. To examine the physical systems with three states and two order parameters, researchers employ the spin-1 single lattice Ising model or three-state systems. Within this model, various thermodynamic characteristics of phenomena like ferromagnetism in binary alloys, liquid mixtures, liquid-crystal mixtures, freezing, magnetic order, phase transformations, semi-stable and unstable states, ordered and disordered transitions have been investigated for three distinct forms associated with q < 1, q = 1, and q > 1. In this context, q represents the non-extensivity parameter of Tsallis statistics.


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Usak University Journal of Engineering Sciences-Cover
  • Başlangıç: 2018
  • Yayıncı: Uşak Üniversitesi