Milli Eğitim Bakanlığına Bağlı Okullarda Çalışan Öğretmenlerin Müzakere Algılamaları

“Negotiation” can be expressed as a search for finding a solution to a complicated matter between two parts who are trying to reach an agreement that is acceptable for each. From this aspect, it is possible to express the comprehensive and civilised process of discussions and negotiations occurring during this search as the “negotiation process”.The negotiation perceptions of the teachers who work in the schools of the Ministry of National Education were revealed in this research. For this purpose, the perceptions of the teachers and administrators in the schools about negotiation were investigated. A literature research about the subject was done and the data were gathered by applying questionnaires to 172 teachers and administrators who work in primary schools. The necessary analyses were done to determine the reliability of the indexes used in the research, and the reliability coefficient of the indexes was found as cronbach α: 0, 84. For the analyses of the data, the t-test for the “percent”, “frequency” and “independent samples”, the “one way Anova analysis” and the “regression” analyses were done. The education levels of the individuals who took part in the research were found as fairly higher (85.5 % bachelor’s degree, 14.5 % postgraduate degree), and the average scores of negotiation perceptions were found as relatively fine (3.41) according to the findings of the research. It was also found that the negotiation perception levels don’t show statistically significant difference regarding demographical specifications placed in the questionnaire (p>0.05).

Negotiation Perceptions of the Teachers Who Work in the Schools of the Ministry of National Education

“Negotiation” can be expressed as a search for finding a solution to a complicated matter between two parts who are trying to reach an agreement that is acceptable for each. From this aspect, it is possible to express the comprehensive and civilised process of discussions and negotiations occurring during this search as the “negotiation process”.The negotiation perceptions of the teachers who work in the schools of the Ministry of National Education were revealed in this research. For this purpose, the perceptions of the teachers and administrators in the schools about negotiation were investigated. A literature research about the subject was done and the data were gathered by applying questionnaires to 172 teachers and administrators who work in primary schools. The necessary analyses were done to determine the reliability of the indexes used in the research, and the reliability coefficient of the indexes was found as cronbach α: 0, 84. For the analyses of the data, the t-test for the “percent”, “frequency” and “independent samples”, the “one way Anova analysis” and the “regression” analyses were done. The education levels of the individuals who took part in the research were found as fairly higher (85.5 % bachelor’s degree, 14.5 % postgraduate degree), and the average scores of negotiation perceptions were found as relatively fine (3.41) according to the findings of the research. It was also found that the negotiation perception levels don’t show statistically significant difference regarding demographical specifications placed in the questionnaire (p>0.05).


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