Ma’lumki, bugungi globallashgan davrda til korpuslari benazir o‘quv quroli, ko‘p funksiyali lingvistik elektron tizim hisoblanadi. Unda matnlar bazasi bilan birga leksikografik manbalarning ham mavjudligi ma’lumotlar manbai sifatida foydalanuvchilarga bisyor bilimga ega bo‘lish va so‘z boyliklarini oshirish imkoniyatlarini beradi. Shu maqsadda leksikografik baza tarkibida frazemalar bazasining bo‘lishi ahamiyatli sanaladi. Mazkur maqolada lingvistik korpuslarda iboralar bazasining mavjudligini ta’minlash sabablari va uning ahamiyati borasida so‘z yuritildi. Shuningdek, o‘zbek tilining ta’limiy korpusida iboralar bilan ishlash usullari ko‘rsatib berildi.

On creating a database of phrases for the language corpus

It is known that in today's globalized era, language corpora are a kind of teaching tool, a multifunctional linguistic electronic system. The presence of lexicographic resources in it along with the text base as a source of information gives users the opportunity to acquire basic knowledge and replenish their vocabulary. Each language has phrasemes that are considered linguocultural units. Phrasemes have a portable meaning and serve to make thought attractive and influential. In the educational process, it is important to enrich the speech of students with phrasemes. Therefore, it is very necessary to create a base of phrasemas in linguistic digital technologies, including language corps. For this purpose, it is considered important to have a phraseme database in the lexicographic database. This article discusses the reasons for ensuring the existence of a database of expressions in linguistic corpora and its meaning. The methods of working with phrases in the Uzbek language educational corpus were also shown.


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