The asylum seeker Syrians have tried both to adapt to changing lifestyles of cities in which they have settled, mainly to border cities – Gaziantep being among the first – starting from 2011, using their existing culture and to conform their own life manner by making arrangements to adapt to this new situation. First of all, family’s not having a residence to live, found residence’s being appropriate for social structure and satisfying the needs are important. In this study, characteristics of residences where Syrians lived in Gaziantep were evaluated. Several characteristics of residences and Syrians were evaluated by questionnaire for having information about current situation of residences, and to find out expectations. In order to compare residence characteristics, 185 Syrians in Gaziantep were interviewed in December, 2016. This study aims to shed light on how Syrian will be able to apply data obtained from vital locations within existing city order.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Sığınmacılar, Ev, Göç


The asylum seeker Syrians have tried both to adapt to changing lifestyles of cities in which they have settled, mainly to border cities – Gaziantep being among the first – starting from 2011, using their existing culture and to conform their own life manner by making arrangements to adapt to this new situation. First of all, family’s not having a residence to live, found residence’s being appropriate for social structure and satisfying the needs are important. In this study, characteristics of residences where Syrians lived in Gaziantep were evaluated. Several characteristics of residences and Syrians were evaluated by questionnaire for having information about current situation of residences, and to find out expectations. In order to compare residence characteristics, 185 Syrians in Gaziantep were interviewed in December, 2016. This study aims to shed light on how Syrian will be able to apply data obtained from vital locations within existing city order.


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