Bireylerin insan onuruna yaraşır bir şekilde yaşaması için gerekli olan en temel haklardan biri konut hakkı olup bu hak anayasalarda yer alan birçok hakkın da olmazsa olmazıdır. Konut hakkı; kişinin yaşam hakkı, sağlık hakkı, çevre hakkı, eğitim hakkı, kişinin maddi ve manevi varlığını geliştirme hakkı gibi haklarla bağlantılıdır. Konut hakkının bu öneme rağmen çok fazla tartışılmadığı ama doktrinde özellikle son yıllarda yapılan tartışmalarda bu hakkın niteliği ve bu hakkın bağımsız bir insan hakkı olup olmadığı tartışılmıştır. 1982 Anayasası’nın 57. maddesinde düzenlenmiş olan konut hakkı bu çalışmada incelenecektir.


Housing is one of the most fundamental rights of people, and essential for a life that is competible with human dignity, this should be addressed without falling below certain standards. For this reason, we can define housing as the simplest place where people are provided with minimum and safe living conditions and minimum quality materials. Housing is the most important part of the social life that an individual lives with his family and is directly or indirectly linked to many rights. The right to housing is one of the rights linked to the freedom of settlement on the one hand and constitutional rights on the other hands, such as right to health, the right to life and the rights to develop. The right to housing is in other words, individual’s is one of the fundamental rights necessary to live worthily way to human dignity healthy life of those eligible individuals, business and affect many aspects such as selecting the living environment has a special significance care. Everyone has a fundamental human right to housing, which ensures access to a safe, secure, habitable, and affordable home with freedom.  When considering the international contracts governing accommodation, it will be seen that the concept of housing in these legal texts is not an ordinary concept. In these texts, housing should be comfortable, peaceful, adequate, convenient, dignified, and healthy and securing family privacy. So housing is not any place, it is a place which has certain qualities. Despite the importance of the right to housing, it seems that international and legal instruments are not properly drafted and there are many debates about the category of the housing right.  Many problems are still being discussed, such as which generation is entitled to the right to housing, what obligations it imposes on the state, and who can claim this right. In Article 57 of the social and economic rights section of the 1982 Constitution, we can see that housing is regulated under the title of housing right. However, when this article is examined carefully, it refers to the duties of the state and not about human rights. For this reason, it is very important to examine whether it is a human right, which generation it belongs to, how it is organized in international agreements and how Turkish law is regulated.


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