Türk Sineması Hikaye Anlatımında Dijital Efekt Kullanımı

Digitalization and the use of digital effects have an important place in the world and also in our country in many different disciplines. The transition from analog system to digital has affected all mass media. The use of digital technology in cinema also occupies an important place. American cinema was a pioneer when many movies switched from analogue to digital and started to use digital visual effects. The use of visual effects in Turkish Cinema, especially in action and drama genres, is remarkable. Although the words special effects, visual effects and CGI are used interchangeably, they have different characteristics. In these study, whether the use of digital visual effects supports storytelling or not was investigated by discourse analysis method. The most watched movies in Turkish Cinema between 2004-2017 were analyzed. With this method, it was also tried to determine how often popular movies use effects and which types of effects they use more. While effects supported the story in some movies, they caused negative impact on others. One of the important reasons for this reaction is that the effect is not included in the movie in a natural way. Possible economic difficulties in accessing technology can also lead to falling behind.

The Use of Digital Effects on Storytelling in Turkish Cinema

Digitalization and the use of digital effects have an important place in the world and also in our country in many different disciplines. The transition from analog system to digital has affected all mass media. The use of digital technology in cinema also occupies an important place. American cinema was a pioneer when many movies switched from analogue to digital and started to use digital visual effects. The use of visual effects in Turkish Cinema, especially in action and drama genres, is remarkable. Although the words special effects, visual effects and CGI are used interchangeably, they have different characteristics. In these study, whether the use of digital visual effects supports storytelling or not was investigated by discourse analysis method. The most watched movies in Turkish Cinema between 2004-2017 were analyzed. With this method, it was also tried to determine how often popular movies use effects and which types of effects they use more. While effects supported the story in some movies, they caused negative impact on others. One of the important reasons for this reaction is that the effect is not included in the movie in a natural way. Possible economic difficulties in accessing technology can also lead to falling behind.


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