The purpose of this study was to explore the underlying measurement structure of organizational culture as perceived by staff at the Islamic university in Uganda. The Data was collected from 100 staff across three different campuses of the university using a survey tool of 24 items. Meaningful values (5) items, support and promotion of values (8) items), discipline values (5) items) and free style values (5) items). Exploratory Factor Analysis technique examined the dimensionality of the organizational culture scale. The results were in agreement with the previous findings in the literature with 56% total variance explained. However, some of the items adopted and adapted from the survey tool employed in the study could not apply to the university setting and were eliminated. The Cronbach Alpha of the four –factor structure of organizational culture ranged between 779 to .827. In totality the study finding generated, that a dependable four-factor structure of organizational culture has been attained and this is in support of earlier findings that suggest that organizational culture is a multidimensional concept with an influence on both employee and organizational success.


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