US Foreign Policy Toward the Middle East Between the Constants of Continuity and Change Requirements: A Comparative Study of The Administrations of Bush and Barack Obama

US Foreign Policy Toward the Middle East Between the Constants of Continuity and Change Requirements: A Comparative Study of The Administrations of Bush and Barack Obama

The concept of change in international politics is problematic on international level, this confusion is due to the absence of consensus defined by the various ongoing debates about the nature of the possibilities and consequences of the change in the process of international relations.   Known as "Holsta" Holsti change in foreign policy as a "modification / sharp substitution patterns of international relations of the country". It is that the dependent variable in this process is the changes in the patterns of foreign diplomatic relations, cultural, military, trade and economic, and the identification of new policies in view of the role of external agents within the state, and the intention of the policy maker in the reformulation of foreign policy, which is expressed restart foreign policy orientation. It could be argued that in spite of the policies pursued by successive US presidents toward the Middle East contrast, there is almost a consensus or agreement on the fundamental interests of the main objectives, which is on the US foreign policy, must work on the protection and realization. In order to monitor the dimensions of change and continuity in the orientation of US foreign policy toward the Middle East for the administration's (Bush and Barack Obama) comparisons will be held on the level goals and strategies orientations. These comparisons will continue to identify and change US foreign policy issues for each of the administration's (Bush and Barack Obama). Thus, Research dilemma that can be addressed in the search, is how much differentiation between the emerging policy of my administration (Bush and Barack Obama), toward the Middle East and what repercussions it? In order to address the problem at hand and test the validity of the hypothesis pursued a researcher from the three-pronged plan. The first axis: the objectives and strategies for the Departments of Bush and Barack Obama. The second axis: foreign policy orientations of the administrations, Bush and Barack Obama. The third axis: a comparison between my administration, Bush and Barack Obama, the level of goals, strategies and trends.


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