Parasal Aktarım Mekanizması Kanalı Olarak Kredi Kanalının Bibliyometrik Analiz İle Bilimsel Haritalaması
Parasal aktarım mekanizması kanallarının ülkeleri etkilemesi, ülkelerin içinde bulundukları ekonomik koşullara göre farklı olmaktadır. Kredi kanalının finansal piyasaların gelişmişlik derecesine göre gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkeleri etkileme derecesi farklıdır. Kredi kanalının reel ekonomi üzerindeki etkileri dikkate alındığında kredi kanalının farklı dönemlerde ülke ekonomilerini etkileme düzeyi de farklı olmaktadır. Dolayısıyla bu kanalın etkinliği araştırmacılar tarafından ele alınmaktadır. Mevcut çalışmalardan farklı olarak bu çalışmanın amacı, parasal aktarım mekanizması kanalı konusundaki mevcut araştırma durumunu bilimsel haritalama yöntemlerinden biri olan bibliyometrik analizlerle ortaya koymak, gelecekteki araştırma alanlarının belirlenmesi ve planlanmasına katkı sunmaktır. Bibliyometrik analiz sonucunda parasal aktarım mekanizması araçlarından kredi kanalı konusunda çalışan dünyadaki en etkili yazarlar, bu yazarların kurumları, yıllık bilimsel yayın üretim miktarları, atıf sayıları, gerçekleştirilen araştırmaların kavramsal yapısı, entelektüel gelişim durumu, alanda ortaya çıkan güncel temalar ve araştırma işbirliklerinin durumu görsel haritalarla etkili bir şekilde ortaya konulmuştur. Analiz sonuçları bilimsel açıdan konunun gelişme yönünü sistematik açıdan inceleyerek ortaya koyduğundan ilgili literatüre önemli katkılar sağlamaktadır. Araştırma sonuçları makro açıdan merkez bankası, bankalar ve politika yapıcılar açısından da güncel gelişmelerin durumu ve yönü göstermekte, mikro açıdan ise işletmelerin üretim, finans, pazarlama gibi gerek departman gerekse de üst yönetim kararlarına katkı sağlayacak projeksiyonlara sahiptir. Kredi kanalının kullanılması sonucunda alınacak kararlar tüketicilerin günlük yaşam ve tüketim davranışları üzerinde olumlu veya olumsuz önemli etkilere sahip olacaktır.
Scientific Mapping of the Credit Channel as a Monetary Transfer Mechanism With Bibliometric Analysis
The effect of monetary transmission mechanism channels on countries differs according to the economic conditions of the countries. The degree to which the credit channel affects developed and developing countries is different according to the level of development of financial markets. Considering the effects of the credit channel on the real economy, the level of influence of the credit channel on the country's economies in different periods is also different. Therefore, the effectiveness of this channel is discussed by researchers. Unlike existing studies, the aim of this study is to reveal the current research situation on the monetary transmission mechanism channel with bibliometric analysis, which is one of the scientific mapping methods, and to contribute to the determination and planning of future research areas. As a result of bibliometric analysis, the most influential authors in the world working on the credit channel, which is one of the monetary transmission mechanism tools, the institutions of these authors, the annual scientific publication production amount, the number of citations, the conceptual structure of the research carried out, the intellectual development status, the current themes in the field and the status of research collaborations are effective with visual maps.
It is seen that the USA is far ahead in terms of the number of publications among the leading countries in which publications are made on the subject of credit channel, which is one of the instruments of monetary transmission mechanism, followed by China and England. The list of most productive institutions includes universities, as well as institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the American central bank. While it is seen that the USA is far ahead of other countries in the total number of citations received by the publications, the number of citations received by the authors from Turkey is 150, and Turkey is in the 12th place in the ranking of the most productive countries.
It can be stated that the most frequently used keywords in the literature on the subject of credit channel, which is one of the monetary transmission mechanism tools, are the words transfer, monetary policy and credit, and these keywords also constitute the main theme of the relevant literature.
When the intellectual cooperation is examined, it is seen that there are certain cliques among the authors and that there are bilateral and triple collaborations especially among certain authors. When the cooperation between countries is examined, it is seen that especially the cooperation from the USA is made with Europe and the Far East. When the collaborations of the authors from Turkey are examined, it is seen that the cooperation from Turkey to other countries is 5, while the cooperation from other countries to the authors in Turkey is 14. In this sense, it can be suggested that Turkish authors be more active and seek cooperation potentials.
When the changes in the conceptual structure are examined, it can be stated that the keywords especially investment, limitations and determinants are important themes, which are explained as the motor themes on the credit channel, one of the monetary transmission mechanism tools. As the main themes, it is seen that the themes such as transmission, monetary policy and credit occupy a large place among the main themes and are the themes that concern different research areas of the field. To these basic themes, one group of themes such as shocks, intermediary costs and interest rates can be added, and another group of themes such as credit channel, interest channel and demand. Niche themes consist of themes such as capital, innovation, house prices, time, financial crises, China, economy and government. Emerging or isolated themes, on the other hand, consist of themes such as unit root, flow, triad, empirical evidence, economic growth, and profitability.
This study was carried out by analyzing only the publications in the WOS database, which were obtained using the filters specified in the method section. It can be suggested that future research should be carried out using foreign databases such as Scopus and national databases such as Dergipark. In this way, the direction of development in the field can be seen from a wider perspective. Many qualitative and quantitative researches can be done in the future by using trending topics and images on the thematic map.
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