Ortadoğu’da Güvenlik ve Topluluk İnşa Etmek: Güvenlik Topluluğu Yaklaşımı ile Arap Baharı’nın Yapı ve Yapanları

Bu çalışmanın temel gayesi, Ortadoğu’da bir “Güvenlik Topluluğu” inşasının ütopik bir

Constructing Security and Community in the Middle East: A Security Community Approach to the Structure and Agents of the Arab Spring

The main purpose of this paper is to problematize whether a Middle Eastern Security Communityhas ever gone further than a utopian mirage. Accordingly, it is inferred that a regional securitycommunity builds upon, at least, two antecedent conditions. The needed, but not sufficient preconditionarrives when the peoples of a region re-imagine their security geography beyond itsterritorialisation among the scattered islands of nation states. Sufficient condition is then thepresence of strong regional states with ideological appeal and material resources so as to build thefirst momentum towards a communal sense of security. This paper argues that the Arab Springmostly met the first condition. The communal waves, at least briefly, united Arab people dividedacross the borders of multitude of states. But this short-lived ‘spring’ was not quite enough to forgea path from which the region could progress along the said direction. Whereas the classical cores ofstrength in the Arab world (Syria, Egypt and Iraq) are currently on the edge of an ultimate collapse;two non-Arab states (Israel and Iran) seem unwilling to cover this emergent power void.


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