The Investigation of the Effects of Life Safety Basic Training Program on the Knowledge of Safety of Six-Year Old Children

The Investigation of the Effects of Life Safety Basic Training Program on the Knowledge of Safety of Six-Year Old Children

The objective of this research is to investigate the effects of Basic Life Safety Training Program on the life safety knowledge of children those trained by the researchers. The program was developed for six to seven-year-old children and composed of twelve different lectures. The survey took place at two preschool educational facility in Agri region and applied to a total of 30 children, i.e., 18 girls and 12 boys, studying in a six-year-old learning group.  The final intent of the program is to provide an awareness on the children for the possible dangers, to teach the ability for predicting and getting away from any dangerous occasion and to build some skills for how to act in danger. The program was developed to fit the specialty of improvement for six-year-old children. Individual interviews, ahead of and following the program, were conducted with the children taken part in the survey. ‘’Life Safety Training Program for Children’’ is composed of five sub-sections. Those are; child alone at home, child alone in the garden, child alone on the traffic, child abuse, child and fire. One can see the total efficiency of the program by considering the difference in the scores before and after the program. Putting the life safety training program in place to National Education Curriculum and thus providing a safety awareness in a systematic way in the early stages of childhood can be proposed.



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