Türkiye’de PISA Fen Okuryazarlık Puanlarını Yordayan Değişkenler

This study summarizes an education policy research based on re-analysis of Programme for International Students  Assessment’s (PISA) data base.  In the manuscript,  with respect to the results of  2015 PISA, the amount of variance explained on scientific literacy scores by some selected school related variables were investigated. In the study, the responses of 5895 students and 187 school principals who participated to PISA 2015 were used. Hierarchical Linear Modeling results revealed that 48 % of the variance on scientific literacy explains the among school differences while 52 % of the variance explains the differences among students. The results were evaluated within the framework of education policy decisions.   Key Words: PISA 2015, Hierarchical Linear Modeling, Scientific Literacy


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