Productivity Of European Grapes Clones In The Conditions Of Atu Gagauzia

The article provided information on the total vineyard area by the ATU Gagauzia, its dynamics over the past 10 years. Analyzed the area of fruiting the grapevines plantations as well as their yield. In recent years, in the ATU Gagauzia, a special scientific and industrial interest and state status have been massively introduction to the assortment the ranks of certified virus-free clones of classic European varieties. Presents information of the growth and development  of the vines of the European clones. Actual is the identification of optimal ecological parameters for the cultivation of European clones of grapes, which make it possible to make full use of their agrobiological potential in the agroecological conditions of ATU Gagauzia. The study of new varieties or their clones in specific ecological conditions of the terrain makes it possible to determine the influence of individual physiological parameters and agrotechnical techniques on the growth, development and fruiting of the grapevines. In the clone R5 of the Cabernet-Sauvignon variety, in the agroecological conditions of ATU Gagauzia, the introduction of vines in fruiting is observed on the 3rd year after planting, and the completion of the period of the forming the mature vine on the 4th. Bushes of grapevines of this clone an average of 28,1 shoots, the average length of 144,1 cm. On each shoot 38 leaves are developed with the area of leaves 148,3 cm2. The number of grapes is 40,3 on bush, the average weight is 127,1 gram. During the growing season grapes accumulated 252 gram/dm3 sugar and acids declined to 8,9 gram/dm3(SM-84).


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