Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of maximal strength training which has a significant place in elite athletes on some hematological and biochemical parameters (creatine, eGFR calcium, phosphor, uric acid, erythrocyte, hemoglobin, hematocrit and thrombocyte). Material and Method: 16 elite wrestlers at national team level with an average age of 20 who were staying at a camp and who had the same dietary conditions participated in the study. Strength trainings were made three days a week (Monday-Wednesday-Friday) before noon. The study lasted for 8 weeks. The athletes performed the moves with an intensity of 75% and 8 repetitions in the first set, 80% intensity and 6 repetitions in the second set, 85% intensity and 4 repetitions in the third set, 90% intensity and 3 repetitions in the fourth set, and 95-100% intensity and 2 repetitions in the fifth set. Specified blood parameters were taken starting from the first maximal strength training and they were taken only before training in the last trainings of weeks 4 and 8. Specified parameters were measured through complete blood count method. Complete blood count was performed with Xn-1000, Sysmex, Japan. Descriptive statistics of all variables were presented as average± standard deviation (Ave±SD). In order to find out the effect of strength training on biochemical parameters, one-way repeated-measures ANOVA was applied on values obtained in 3 different test points (Starting, week 4, week 8). Sphericity hypothesis of repeated measures was validated by Mauchly Test. In cases where hypothesis was not validated, Greenhouse- Geisser correction was applied on degree of freedom in case of Epsilon (?) 0.75. Multiple corrections were performed by applying Bonferroni correction. For the whole procedure, significance level was determined as p?0.05 initially and SPSS 20.0 computer program was used for statistical analysis. Results: According to the results of the study, creatine values were found to differ significantly depending on the period of training ( p=0,001). In addition, eGFR values were found to differ significantly depending on the period of training ( p=0,001). When phosphor values were analyzed, they were found to differ significantly depending on the period of training ( p=0,005). No significant difference was found in all of the calcium, uric acid, erythrocyte, hemoglobin, hematocrit, thrombocyte values depending on the period of training (p > 0.05). As a conclusion, while changes in studies conducted can be seen depending on age, gender, type of training, states of diet and rest, this study showed that maximal strength training causes some physiological changes in elite athletes.


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