Samples and examples of oral literary language in comparison with the written language, there are a lot more. The difference between the samples was in the process of creation, distribution and content integrity. Written literary language used in the Kazakh society, in most research, the name of ancient Kazakh literary language. In those days, when the Kazakh clans and tribes to create a separate state, ie in the XV-XVI centuries there was a need for written records in linguistics there are no reliable and constant views on the term "Chagatai language," and if we take into account the fact that the term "Chagatai language "is used as a synonym for the ancient Uzbek language, it will be wrong to say that the written records XV-XVII century, written in Chagatai language. Since very differently presented during the emergence and future direction of development of the language, it is impossible to find a unilateral decision on the issue of its division into periods. The language used in his time the peoples and nationalities, tribes and clans, who have made a significant contribution to the formation of the Kazakh people as a nation, are the source of the formation and development of modern Kazakh language. One of the first decrees are the first Kazakh khans, as well as documents about the relationship with each other and with other countries as well. Because "every Kazakh Khan was carrying a vizier execute the office of the Office of the Secretary, who led the business papers, decisions, decrees and published them. Kazakh kind of Zhalair, Kadyrgali biy Kasymov "Collection of Histories" is an example of the art of Turkic written monuments of culture of the Middle Ages. In addition, the space occupied by them in the study of history and language of the Kazakhs of the Middle Ages, is special. Thought encased in a "Collection of Histories" writing style, artistic language indicate that its author was a talented man, a chronicler who knew the path traversed by his people and well-known judge of his time in the Kazakh society. Written in the late XIV early XV century manuscript "Chingiz name" is a significant difficulty in the study of the history and language of the Kazakh people in the Middle Ages. This historical work written Utemish Haji Muhammad ibn Maulana Dusty from Khorezm. Remained the only option that works. "Chingiz-name" for the first time found a well-known Kazakh orientalist V.P.Yudin in 1967 at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, and translated into Russian, made a transcription of historical texts of this work. Most Turkic written monuments of the Middle Ages up Arabic and Persian words that belong to another language formation. After the spread of the influence of Arab culture in Central Asia Arabic words began to penetrate in the local language first through agriculture and trade, then have spread among the people of various books on religious concepts. If you carefully consider the language of stories written in verse form "Collection of Histories", "Genealogy of the Turks", "Chingiz name" and "Just Sultan", subdivided into groups on the subject is, of course, we can say that they cover all aspects of life. Although among them is used most often connected with the name of the public, with the military-administrative division, with the title, with military actions and relationship. In the Kazakh language, some of them today are used in the same sense it can be considered as one of the documents brings together language written monuments of the Kazakh language, that is, confirming it as drevnepismenny language Kazakhs.


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