The chanting of "Aktaban shuburyndy" and about Dastan "Aiteke" Bukhar zhyrau (sage)

The chanting of "Aktaban shuburyndy" and about Dastan "Aiteke" Bukhar zhyrau (sage)

In memory of the Kazakh people ever survived harrowing tale of nomadic Kazakh people named "Aktaban shubyryndy, Alkakolsulama. This article presents the writings of a priest Bukara, but the facts in the article are other poetic work "Aiteke" dedicated to the twentieth century. In the era sage Aiteke anticipated misfortune coming on the head of the Kazakh people, warning that it is necessary to be afraid of it.. This is the sad tale "Aktaban shubyryndy, Alkakol Sulam". In the poetic work "Aiteke" are true facts about "Aktaban shubyryndy" and the priest Boucard witnessed sorrowful incident.


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