The article deals with investigation of ancient Turkic epic Mahabbatnama by scientists in the second half of the last century, some scientists had suggested that the epic is heritage of Uzbek culture. Experts of this field entirely revealed the originality of the epic, but didn’t provide any scientific conclusion. In order not to leave this valuable heritage in the shadow, the article describes the structure of the epic, enters values of using the words "gәzel", "mәsnәvi" at creating the work, then the creation of the epic "Mahabbatnama" consisting eleven letters by the writer. The aim at writing this love epic is poet's intention to leave unanswered the letters of the young man. The article considers The concept of the work, the usage of figure words in the epos, art examples, the portrait of young lady given by words, psychological mood of fellow, his falling in love with the girl, the secrets of being in love and scientific conclusion to the epos are presented in the article.


  • 1. Щербак А.М. Огуз-наме. Мухаббат-наме. М: Вост.лит. 1959.
  • 2. Огуз-наме. Мухаббат-наме. Алматы: Ғылым. 1986.
  • 3. Хорезми. Махаббатнама. Алматы: Жалын. 1985.