"Munlyk, Zarlyk" - example of ansient epos

"Munlyk, Zarlyk" - example of ansient epos

Kazakh archaic epic that has appeared during ancient times, has reached nowadays in the records made in the sekond half of 19th century in the interpretations of akyns and zhyrshi whocreated in the frame of the epic tradition of their period, i.e. not in their original way but having undergone significant changes, sometimes significantly transformed. But archaic plots, formed during ancient period habe generally preserved their constants and dominants and their deep meaning. They discover their genetic links with ancient ideas of our ancestors and the most important public institutions of their period.


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  • Бердібаев Р. Қазақ эпосы. -Алматы, 1982. -51-91 бб. ... т.б.