This article deals with formation of Turkic alphabet after Chine and Shumer manuscript. The tradition belief and religion of Shumers are the same with Turkic tradition belief and religion the both nations worship to sky. Becouse shumer are from Central Asia and took with themselves Turkic manuscript was founded with the help of Turkic and Kazakh symbols Foreign scientists who had acquired ancient manuscripts and alphabets actively worked on the research of the Turkic old Runa manuscripts. The professor of the Copenhagen university V. Thomson paid great attention to study the written manuscripts on the stones. After being familiar of the fact that the Orhon Yenisey manuscripts were the heritage of the Turkic manuscripts., he came to the conclusion that the origin of the Turkish language was closely connected with Aramei (Persian, Aramei, Sogdy). The other group of scientists, namely N.Aristov, A.Jh.Amre, I.A.Batmanov claimed that there is not any connection between Turkic manuscript and other languages, this alphabet was affected with the Turkic symbols. However, S.E.Malov stated that Yenisey manuscript was the heritage of Kyrgyz nation. But he could not give any reliable sources. This work deals with facts which prove that the old Runa manuscript was originated by the Turkic symbols. It was founded with the help of semiotics. Semiotics originated from Greek, meaning Symbols and signs. Semiotics is the science which studies symbols. And we came to the conclusion that old Turkic manuscripts were founded and developed in three ways: 1. Sak period; 2. Gun manuscripts; 3. Turkic manuscripts.


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