In the article the question is that in Kazakhstan there was a publicly-ideological revival in a pre-revolution period, intellectuals began to share the considerations about the future of enormous edge - Kazakhstan. In connection with positive changes in Russia as early as the first fourth of ХХ of century on an order-paper a question was put about limitation of colonial dependence. Presently progressively intellectual intellectuals, front-rank people, began to understand the necessity of unification of progressive-patriotic-national forces, strengthening of the national state system, heave up status of Kazakh and confirm spiritual heritage of ancestors. It is underlined in the article, that the Kazakh people need the ground of ideas having rescue potential, structural elements of moslem and turkic cultures based on a synthesis, presently. Instead of with that it registers in the article, that a language is the soul of people(ethnos, nation). Reasons of deformation of the psychical-spiritual world of Russian-language Kazakhs open up. More than thousand Millionaires-Kazakhs appealed to escape in foreign countries. They abandoned Kazakhstan. Besides except for one or two all they Russian speaking Kazakhs, received education at Russian school. The real Kazakhs do not abandon the Motherland. Among homosexuals people teaching at Kazakh school do not reveal also. There is not a single native from an aul. All of them are Russian-language Kazakhs. The resume of author is taken to that it is possible to stop such process by the return of Kazakhs on the bosom of the ethnos. For this purpose must be created in own sense of word national state structure. In the article the question is about the necessity of being of harmony for mutual relations between the state and people. Proved, that it it can make reality of only then, when all state structures behave to all phenomena from positions of native national interests. Reasons of deformation of afore-named Kazakhs open up. An author comes to the conclusion about that, to change nature of these people informative waves must change in the chromosomes of people of the Kazakh origin. Ethnic to information of negative character must be ousted by Kazakh reflexes and information. Finally, in the article in detail is stopped on a question about ethnic homogeneity: kernel and periphery.


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