Nuhi Kimliği Bağlamında Yahudilikte Yabancı Algısı

Yahudiliğe göre insanlık Nuhiler ve Yahudiler olmak üzere ikiye ayrılır.Rabbilerin insan algısına göre Sina vahyine kadarki dönemde herkes Nuhi olmuş, Sina'da İsrailoğlu kimliği doğmuş ve geriye kalan bütün insanlar Nuhi kabul edilmiştir.


According to Judaism, humanity was basically divided into two, Noahides and Israelites. According to the rabbinic understanding of humankind, everyone were considered as Noahides before the Sinaitic revelation but with this revelation a new identity named Israelite status was born and all the remaining people began to be considered as Noahides. In the course of time Noahides went astray and did not obey divine commandments in pray and practice. They were named Oved Avoda Zara in Jewish sources. Noahides were those who stayed in true way and followed the Noahide Laws. The Noahide identity is a non-Jewish but other-welcoming identity by Jews. Noahides have the share in the world to come. Rabbis placed the Noahide identity in the secondary position in comparison to Jewish identity. There is not any information about the existence of social group named Noahides in any stage of history. Actually, Noahide identity is the status imagined for those have sympaty to the Jewish nation and accept the reign of them. This status will be realised in the expected Messianic period. Following the content of the Noahide Laws while belonging to other religions as a requirement of his own religion or reaching to them by using their minds cannot be counted enough to be considered as a Noahide. Man should epistemologically accept Judaism as essential. So, Muslims and Christians cannot be considered as Noahides


  • bu makale, Eldar Hasanov tarafından kaleme alınan Yahudi Ahit Geleneğindeki Nuh Kanunları ve Nuhilik adlı doktora tezine dayanılarak hazırlanmıştır.