Küçükyozgat'ta Bulunan Gazella Capricornis Rodler ve Weithofer'e Ait Bir Boynuz

Bu boynuz parçasını 1951 yılında Küçükyozgat'ın güneyinde bulunan fosilli sahada yaptığım bir kazı esnasında buldum.² Gazella capricornis Rodler ve Weithofer'e³ (Gazella rodleri Pilgrim ve Hopwood4) ait olan bu boynuz parçası, daha evvel Maragha5 ve Besarabya'da6 bulunmuş olan bu türün (species) Ponsien çağda Anadolu'da da yaşamış olduğunu göstermektedir.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Gazella, Gazella Capricornis

In a previous stucly on the Pontian fauna from Küçükyozgat I had stated that, in addition to the already determined species, there were still some indetermined specimens of Pontian gazelles in the Collection.(3) As since that time I have determined the species of a horn-core of a gazelle, I have considered it worthwhile to publish it in a short note, since the determination of other specimens of gazelles, other forms and the preparation of the full report will take considerable time.


  • De Mecquenem, R. : Contribution a Tetude des fossiles de Maragha. Annales de Paleontologie, Vol. XIlI, 1924, pp. 133-160 and VoL XIV, 1925, pp. 1-36.
  • Pilgrim, G. E. and Hopwood, A. T. : Catalogue of the Pontian Bovidae of Europe in the Department of Geology. British Museum (Natural History), London 1928.
  • Pilgrim, G. E. : Siwalik antelopes and oxen in the American Museum of Natural History. BulIetin of the American Museum of Natural History, Vol. LXXII, Article VII, 1937, pp. 729-874.
  • Rodler, A. and Weithofer, K. A. : Die Wiederkauer der Fauna von Maragha. Denkschriften der Kaiserliehen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch Naturwissensehaftliehe Classe. Siebenundftinfzigster Band, Wien, 1890, pp. 753-771.
  • Şenyürek, M. S. : Gökdere (EImadagi) fauna'sma dair bir not. A note on Gökdere (EImadağı) fauna. Ankara Universitesi Dil ve Tarih-Cografya Fakilltesi Dergisi (Revue de Ia Faeulte de Langue, d'Histoire et de Géographie, Universite d'Ankara), Vol. IX, Nos. 1-2, 1951, pp. 63-67 and 68-73.
  • Şenyürek, M. S. : A study of the Pontian fauna of Gökdere (Elmadağı), south-east of Ankara. Belleten, Vol. XVI, No. 64, 1952, pp. 449-492.
  • Şenyürek, M. S. : A note on a new species of Gazella from the Pontian of Küçükyozgat. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Cografya Fakültesi Dergisi (Revue de la Faulté de Langue, d'Histoire et de Géographie, Université d'Ankara), Vol. XI, No. 1, 1953, pp. 1-14.
  • Simpson, G. G. : The principles of classification and a classification of mammals. Bulletin of the Ameriean Museum of Natural History, Vol. 85, New York, 1950.
  • Tschaehtli, B. C. : Küçük Yozgat eivarinda bulunan memeli hayvanat fosilleri. Fossile Saeugetiere aus der Gegend von Küçükyozgat. Östlich Ankara. M. T. A. , No. 2/27, Ankara, 1942, pp. 322324 and 325-327.