Reasons For Changing Over To A Pluralistic Framework To Broadcasting From A Public Service Monopoly Framework In Britian

In this papcr I am goiltg to cxamine the reasons for changing over to apluralistic liamcwork to broadcasting frorn a public service monopoly framewodi in Britain. By doing this, I would like to examfuie tlte impact of technological devclopmen(s on the television broadcasting syslem and the financial policies about il.Historical BackgroundThc BBC came iuto existance in 1923 as an private rnonopoly radiocompany antl became a public corporation in 192'7. Shortly betbre the IIWorld War thc BBC stffled experimental television t)oadcasting and a service was set up in 1946. The BBC is almost entirely linanced by a licence t'eepaid by television set owuers at a levcl fixed by the goventmet and formerlycollected by the Post Office ( l).
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Reasons, Changing, Over

Reasons For Changing Over To A Pluralistic Framework To Broadcasting From A Public Service Monopoly Framework In Britian

In this papcr I am goiltg to cxamine the reasons for changing over to apluralistic liamcwork to broadcasting frorn a public service monopoly framewodi in Britain. By doing this, I would like to examfuie tlte impact of technological devclopmen(s on the television broadcasting syslem and the financial policies about il.Historical BackgroundThc BBC came iuto existance in 1923 as an private rnonopoly radiocompany antl became a public corporation in 192'7. Shortly betbre the IIWorld War thc BBC stffled experimental television t)oadcasting and a service was set up in 1946. The BBC is almost entirely linanced by a licence t'eepaid by television set owuers at a levcl fixed by the goventmet and formerlycollected by the Post Office ( l).

Reasons, Changing, Over,


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