Küreselleşmiş Kontrol Toplumlarında Dijital Bölünmeyi Düşünmek: Sosyal Sözleşmenin Yayılımı

Consideration of Digital Divide in Societies of Globalised Control: Extension of Social Contract

If social cybernetics is clarified as an ‘emergent property’ for the multifaceted established of interiorassociations in the midst of technology, policy and management foundations of wide-ranging resolutioncomputing, we should ask are there any implementation of its definition in the sociology of technology?Therefore, this paper introduces multidimensional perspectives of techno-social interactions to diagrama theoretical concept of digital divide (DD) and elucidate its limitation stages within the relative literature.What the current reality is that we cannot escape from a global prison even if we do know we are in one,in this sense, this paper is interested in arguing how the definition of DD leads technocratic reasoning inwhich societies of globalised control cannot be separated from speculation, accumulation and circulationof technological commodities that actually lead an unspecific but an extension of social contract inany developed or developing nations throughout technological education. Political philosophy is theninseparable from ethnics of social cybernetics because the relative issue is rather assemblage of abstracttechnological control.


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