Türkiye'den Dictyonota Curtis, 1827 cinsine ait yeni bir tür (Heteroptera, Tingidae)

Anahtar Kelimeler:


A new species of Dictyonota Curtis

This paper deals the origina! description of Dietyonota astragall n.sp, whieh have been collected on Astragalus grown on the bank of the crater lake of Nemrut Mountain (Bitlis). Holotype (0') and 2 paratypes (I ~, 1 ~) are deposited at the University of Agriculture, Department of Animal Physiology and Zoology, Praha, Czechoslovakıa and 3 paratypes (2ü'0',1~) are also deposited at the University of Ege. FacUıty of Agriculture, Department of Entomology and Agricultural Zoology, ızmir, Turkey.