17. Yüzyıla ait, döneminin önemli hanlarından biri olan Vezirhan, Çemberlitaş Meydanı ve Divan Yolu üzerinde Osmanlı döneminin güçlü kamusal konaklama yapılarından biridir. Günümüzde geleneksel ticaret alanı içinde,1.Derece Koruma bölgesi" kapsamında Tarihi Yarımada kentsel siti içinde yer alan tescilli tarihi yapı, mimari üslubu, kütlesi, fonksiyonu ile mekan üzerinde güçlü bir sembolik etki yaratmaktadır. Ancak mülkiyet dağılımı yıllar içindeki yıpranmışlıkları ve mevcut kullanımı Vezirhan'ın korunması konusundaki başlıca problemlerdir. Ancak Vezirhan'ın kentsel sit alanı peyzajına katkısını olumsuz etkileyecek diğer sorunların başında Vezirhan'ı içeren yapı adası içinde ve yine Vezirhan'ın komşuluğunda bulunan, fiilen boş olan birkaç parselin yapılaşması yönündeki karar ve uygulamalar olduğu görülmektedir. "Tarihi Kentsel Peyzaj" kavramının getirdiği yeni değerler dizisi içinde ele alındığında; gelişme ve yapılaşması kontrol altında tutulması gereken Vezirhan'ın ve çevresinin korunması ve kentsel peyzaj üzerindeki olumlu etkilerinin sürdürülebilmesi açısından söz konusu tarihi tescilli eseri kapsayan yapı adası üzerindeki boş parsellerin yine kentsel sit içindeki diğer tarihi kültürel varlıklar ile birlikte ele alınması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Vezirhan ve komşuluğundaki parseller üzerindeki yapılaşma kararları UNESCO Dünya Miras Komitesi tarafından bir tavsiye kararı olarak açıklanan "Tarihî Kentsel Peyzaj Yaklaşımı" çerçevesinde ele alınmaya çalışılacak bu bağlamda Koruma Amaçlı İmar Planı ve İlgili Koruma Kurulu Kararları irdelenecektir


Vezirhan, which is one of the most important commercial venues of its era in the 17th Century and located on the Divan Yolu road and in Çemberlitaş Square is one of the strong public accommodation venues of the Ottoman Period. Today, the registered historic building, taking place within the traditional trade area in the urban protected zone located in the historical peninsula, within the scope of 1st degree protection area, has a strong symbolic effect on the place due to its architectural style, mass and function. The distribution of ownership, decrepitude within years and current usage are the main problems concerning the protection of Vezirhan. However, the main problems, that would have an adverse effect on the contribution of Vezirhan to the landscape of urban site are considered to be decisions and practices for the structuring of the few land plots in the neighborhood of Vezirhan which are actually empty. For the protection of Vezirhan and the development and structuring in its surrounding to be kept under control and for sustaining the positive results on the urban landscape, when taken within the new array of values, brought in by the concept of "Historic Urban Landscape"; the empty land plots on the structure block, covering the registered historic work in question should be considered together with the other historical cultural assets in the urban site. In this study, the structuring decisions on Vezirhan and the land plots in the neighborhood will be addressed within the framework of the "Historic Urban Landscape Approach" declared as a recommendation decree by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, and the Protection Aimed Reconstruction Plan and the relevant Decisions of the Protection Board will be analyzed In this study, the structuring decisions on Vezirhan and the land plots in the neighborhood will be addressed within the framework of the "Historic Urban Landscape Approach" declared as a recommendation decree by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, and the Protection Aimed Reconstruction Plan and the relevant Decisions of the Protection Board will be analyzed. The UNESCO World Heritage Committee declared a recommendation decree about the "structured environment” in relation with the protection of historic and traditional integrities and their roles in the contemporary life. When assessed within the framework of the basic principles of the "Historic Urban Landscape Approach”, brought in by UNESCO World Heritage Committee; The purpose of using the concept of the “Historic Urban Landscape " is to consider the urban heritage approach in the array of new values. This concept is considered to contribute issues such as the dynamics of development, awareness on the diversity of stakeholders by overcoming the contrasts between new and old, protection and development, core and periphery, nature and construction. This definition provides a comprehensive and integrated basic approach in the determination, evaluation, protection and management of historical urban landscape within the framework of sustainable development (UNESCO, 2011). While the concept of the historic urban landscape leads to a more detailed approach for respecting, preserving, developing urban patterns, at the same time it also takes development, future, interactions of the protected areas and the possible opinion exchanges between stakeholders into consideration. As stated in the recommendation decree, this approach supports also the societies’ search for development and harmony; their histories, collective memories and the continuation of the features and values of their environments. The basic principles of the Historic Urban Landscape Approach about the "structured environment" can briefly be considered as; -The balance of the dynamics of development, -Taking the history of the society’s development and harmony into account, -Sustainable use, -The diversity of stakeholders. Vezirhan, being one of the most important examples of the urban commercial venues within the commercial pattern in İstanbul, is located in Çemberlitaş Square on Divan Yolu and one of the powerful public accommodation venues of the Ottoman Period; its architectural structure, mass and function creates a strong symbolic impact on the space. However the hotel project, approved by İstanbul Culture Heritage Protection Regional Council has been constructed adjacent to the walls of Vezirhan and has a large extension towards the courtyard of the Inn. The hotel is located in“1st Degree Protected Area and “Hanlar and its Area” in the featured urban pattern”, next to a historical and cultural building and the construction is currently stopped.When the subject of the study is assessed within the framework of the basic principles of the “Historic Urban Landscape Approach”, brought in by UNESCO World Heritage Committee, it can be seen that; -though the resolutions on the planning and implementation should comprehend the management of efforts for change and harmonization that prevents the corruption of its character while seeking the ways for keeping pace with the social and economic change within the pattern, the balance of the development dynamics have been disrupted due to the hotel building, built adjacent to the venue, -the basic principles, obliging the consideration of the areas, where the immovable cultural assets are located as the Protected Area as much as assets, are neglected; the hotel building creates a dominant impact on the venue due to its mass and facade features, and is not in harmony with the heritage of the historic venue; and in both cases, the history of the development and harmony in society has been neglected, -as a result of neglecting the relationships such as the mass/height/architecture (conservation policies), the size of the parcel, the integrity and morphological structure of the registered building has been damaged; creating a sense of belonging, preserving the cultural diversity, collective memory and urban image, transferring urban heritage to future generations would only be possible by preserving the urban pattern; in this aspect, the planning decisions is not based on the balanced and sustainable relationship between heritage from the past; the intention to increase the social and functional diversity in the vicinity in not compatible with the principle of sustainable use, by leaving the historical, cultural and visual identity of the venue in the background, - in the Conservation Plan, a common vision has not been created by assessing with diverse stakeholders such as especially the civil initiatives and those using Vezirhan and its environment; the investors and entrepreneurs were prioritized and diversity of stakeholders have not been taken into account by this planning approach. When considered within a new array of values, brought by the concept of “Historical Urban Paysage” it has been seen that Vezirhan and its surroundings of which the development and structure should be kept under control could not be protected.


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  • Fatih İlçesi KAUİP,Raporuhttp://eski.istanbulium.net), erişim tarihi: 19.03.2017.
  • www.mevzuat.gov. “2863 sayılı Kültür ve Tabiat Varlıklarını Koruma Kanunu”, erişim tarihi: erişim tarihi: 21.03.2017.