Almanya ile Türkiye arasında ilk misafir işçi anlaşması 1961 yılında imzalanmıştır. İkinci Dünya savaşı sonrasında Almanya, azalan Alman erkek nüfusu ve işgücünü Türkiye'den gelen misafir işçilerle kapatmaya çalışmıştır. Türk işçiler ise bir bavulla yola çıktıklarında, amaçları birkaç yıl Almanya'da çalışıp para kazanıp memleketlerine dönmekti. Almanya'da misafir işçi, Türkiye'de ise "Alamancı" olarak görülen bu insanlar, arafta kalmış, her iki topluma da kendilerini tam anlamıyla ait hissetmemişlerdir. Bu beklenenin aksine uzun yıllar süren "misafir işçilik" döneminin başında Türk insanında kendilerini Alman toplumuna kabul ettirme çabası baş göstermiştir. Bu çabayla birlikte Almanya'daki iş yaşamlarında mutlu ve entegre olmuş olacaklarını düşünen Türklerde zamanla, bu çalışma döneminin uzun sürmesiyle birlikte, yabancı memlekette olduklarını kabullenme başlamış ve Türkiye'ye geri dönme gerçekleşmeyince de, gerçekleri kabullenmeye başlamışlardır. Birinci ve ikinci nesil Türklerin Almanya'da oldukları dönemde kimlik ve aidiyet ile ilgili sorunları göze çarpmaktadır.Birinci ve ikinci neslin arafta kalan Türklerinin aksine günümüzde Almanya'da yaşayan Türkler artık benliklerini yitirmeden, Türk olduklarını ve Almanya'da yaşadıklarını kabul etmişlerdir. Göçün başlangıcında aidiyet ve kimlik problemlerini yaşayan Türkler, günümüzde kimlik ile ilgili büyük bir sorun yaşamamakla birlikte, Türkiye'ye dönüş ve Almanya'daki yaşam kararları üzerine düşünmektedirler. Bu çalışmada Almanya'da yaşayan Türklerin göçün ilk yıllarından günümüze kadar olan süreçte yaşadıkları kimlik sorunlarının değişimleri incelenecektir


The first guest workers agreement between Germany and Turkey was signed in 1961. After the Second World War, Germany tried to close down the declining German male population and labor with guest workers from Turkey. The Turkish workers, on the way out of a suitcase, aimed to work for a few years in Germany and earn money and return to their homeland. These people, who are seen as “guest workers” in Germany and as "Alamanci" in Turkey, have remained in the sate, and neither gathering felt themselves fully involved. Contrary to this expectation, at the beginning of the "guest worker" period which has been going on for many years, the Turkish people started to try to make them accept the German society. Together with this effort, Turks who thought that they would be happy and integrated in their business life in Germany began accepting the facts in time, accepting the fact that they were in a foreign country with the long period of this study period and not returning to Turkey. In the period when the first and second generation Turks are in Germany, problems related to identity and belonging are striking. Unlike the Turks who remained in the first and the second generation, the Turks living in Germany now admit that they are Turkish and they live in Germany without losing their self. At the beginning of migration, the Turks who have problems of belonging and identity are thinking about returning to Turkey and life decisions in Germany. This study will examine the changes in identity problems experienced by the Turks living in Germany from the first years of their migration to the present day The aim of our study is to investigate the identity changes of the Turks living in Germany during the period from the first years until the present day. The word of identity the TDK describes it as a collection of signs, qualities and traits that show how a person is a person as a social entity. As a social entity, human beings exist in society with their religious, cultural and social identity.. But at the same time, identity as a constantly changing and developing entity is developing and changing with the process of encountering different societies. The emergence of immigration between Germany and Turkey led to the experience of different experiences in terms of Turks and Germans. In the past, Turks living in different identities have different problems today. Turks, both of whom are between the two worlds and struggle with the integration problem in Germany, were excluded as "Ausländer" in Germany and Almancı in Turkey. As a matter of fact, in the first years of immigration, as understood from the concepts reflected in literary works, Germany was portrayed as saying "Acı Vatan" and "Gurbet" for Turks. In the first years of immigration, people who came to the country due to the livelihood of the villagers saw Germany as salvation and showed obedient behavior with fear of losing their jobs and being deported. Because their wives and children they bring to Germany in Turkey or in the following years also have their parents and relatives who have material expectations from their own in Turkey. This process was particularly troubled in the first generation, fearing to lose jobs. However, aggressive attitudes were also occasionally experienced because it was a little more fearless than the second generation first generation. Nowadays, the 3rd Generation Turks living in Germany are the Turks who no longer live in harmony with the first generation and who accepted Germany as their homeland. Bülent Kırmızı's work with 150 people of 3rd Generation Turks living in Germany is an important research in terms of revealing the problems of Turks in Germany today in Turkey. Some of the statements that Kırmızı has made in his work are as follows; The opinions of the 3rd Generation Turks about Germany are positive and the views about Turkey are negative. Participants who said that Germany gave them confidence in the questionnaire stated that they did not trust the people in Turkey. Participants who said that they were satisfied with the German people and that they had lasting friendships in Germany stated that relatives in Turkey had problems with their relatives because they had material expectations from themselves. Turks who contributed to the economics of the two countries for years with the support they gave to the German economy with the help of their labor and their families in Turkey were unfortunately exempted by both societies. The result that Kırmızı has extracted from some of the questions in the survey is as follows; The 3rd Generation Turks actually want to own Turkey, but now they see Germany as their homeland. Based on the questions related to language and culture in the survey, he explains the reason for this situation as follows; Lack of mother tongue and culture and lack of confidence and trust in relatives in Turkey. (Kırmızı, 2015:17-19) The adaptation problem that existed in the first years of immigration has been gone since years, with the integration and socialization with the society, the Turks, who now accept Germany as their homeland, have begun to get away from their relatives, cultures and relatives in Turkey. As the 3rd Generation Turks in Germany have clearly stated in the research of Kırmızı, the difficulties with their lives in Germany are too few to be tested. Unlike the first-generation for this third generation, it is no longer possible to talk about an identity problem. The problem for this generation concerns the decisions to return to Turkey, taking into account the circumstances. Some of the Turkish young people in Germany have decided to take university education in Turkey because they are not successful in the German educational system due to the discrimination they are subjected to. In terms of young people going on to study in Germany, there is no turning back yet. In terms of their families, those who make sufficient accumulations and secure their lives in Turkey in material terms can decide to return. But for families who have not been able to fully live in Turkey, Germany's trusting environment is more attractive. Because of all these reasons, identity problems of first-generation have been left behind, and there is no such thing as identity problems of Turks in Germany. Families now consider the idea of returning to Germany or staying in Germany under the particular circumstances of each individual or family and making decisions accordingly. As Soytürk also pointed out in his work titled "Migration of Labor from Turkey to Austria", Turkish guest workers in Austria gradually realized that they would no longer be able to return to their place in the 2000s, like the Turkish guest workers in Germany, and that they actually settled here. (Soytürk, 2012: 2321) It is essential that communities tolerate each other in environments where different societies live together. The theses of German politicians who have kept the issue of integration on the agenda for decades are now decaying. It is not possible to mention the third generation from the integration problem that exists for the first generation and the second generation. Today, there is no such problem as the integration and integration of the Turks, born and growing in Germany, who are studying in the German education system, who deal with German official institutions and who know German public order very well. As a result, there is no great harmony or identity problem for Turkish society living in Germany today
