Ticâret insanoğlunun avcı-toplayıcı toplumdan çıkıp üretim fazlasını takas yoluyla değiştirme sürecine girdiğinden bu yana yaptığı bir faaliyettir. Bir toplumun ve devletin ekonomik yönden güçlü olabilmesi, uluslararası arenada söz sahibi olabilmesi ve dünyada kabul görmesi için gerekli en önemli unsurlardandır. Osmanlı da her güçlü devletin bu konuda yapması gerekeni yapan bir devlet olmuştur. Ticâretle ilgili bu gelişmeler, toplumun ticârete bakışı Dîvân şâirlerinin de ilgisini çekmiştir. Dîvân şâirleri de yaşadıkları toplumun bir parçası oldukları için o toplumu oluşturan maddî veya manevî değerlerden kopuk olamazlardı. Klâsik Türk edebiyatında işlenen konular içerisinde soyut olanlar ön planda gibi gözükse de toplumun bir parçası olan ve yaşadıkları devrin gerçeklerinden bağımsız hareket edemeyen şâir ve yazarlar maddî konulara da değinmişlerdir. Klâsik Türk edebiyatı sanatçıları, eserlerini oluştururken hayata dair gözlemledikleri hemen her şeyi önemli bir malzeme olarak ustalıkla kullanırlar. Asıl gayeleri meramlarını muhataplarına etkili ve güzel bir şekilde anlatmak olan bu edebiyatın mensupları, o dönemin ticâret ve ekonomisine dair maddî unsurlarından da yararlanmışlardır. Bu durumun en iyi gözlemlendiği sanatçılardan biri de Nâbî olmuştur. Nâbî, gerek iyi yetişmiş bir âlim ve gerekse toplumun nabzını tutan iyi bir gözlemci olarak kültürel birikimini ve hayat tecrübesini şiirlerine de yansıtmıştır. Ticârete ait kavram, terim ve ifadeleri ustalıkla kullanmış ve bunları topluma yol göstermede, devir insanını en güzel şekilde anlatmada kendine bir vasıta yapmıştır


Trade is an activity which has been done since people left the hunter-gatherer society and began to trade surplus with each other. It is one of the most important factors in order for a country and a society to be financially powerful and have a voice in international arena and be accepted worldwide. The Ottoman Empire also did what needed to be done as a powerful country. These commercial improvements and society’s look on trade has also attracted the attention of Ottoman poets. Ottoman poets because they are part of the society they live that they can not be divorced from society that make up the material or spiritual values. Although it may seem that abstract concepts are at the forefront of artists while discussing topics in Classical Turkish literature; since artists are a part of the society and erat hey live in and that they cannot act independently beyond the reality of the priod they live in, they also have touched on financial issues. Classical Turkish literature artists while creating their Works used their observucont on almost everything about life as an important material. The members of this literature where aim is to effectively deal with their plight and tell in a nice way took the advantage of the tangible and intangible elements of their period. One of the best artists of this situation has been observed in Nâbî. Nâbî, should be well-trained as both a scholar and a good observer holds the pulse of the community's cultural knowledge and life experience are reflected in the poem. The concept of trade, terms and expressions used expertly and show them the way society has made himself a vehicle speed in telling people in the most beautiful way. A literary revolution, literary or three of these concepts should be considered when reviewing the figures as a whole. "Speed, personality, work" as a whole should be addressed at that time if the poet's thoughts and mindset of the need and the conditions of the world grows, he wants to know what we would have a better understanding of both works. One of the factors that reflect the mentality of a period is material life. Economy and Trade is one of the major issues involving state afloat. Nabi lived in the century which, although has lost its former power of the Ottoman era, though the location is in one of the largest state, a developed economic system and a vibrant commercial life. The broad geography of the state, the diversity of nationalities within, religious differences and geographical location is an indicator of the development of and reasons. Nabi (1642-1712) "hikam my style" is considered to be representative of the approach called. (Bilkan, 1997: XX) on this subject, Prof. Dr. Mine Mengi says: "The Nabi school has formed is closely related to the weight that his understanding of art to think and think. Human life and society about their views, provide guidance to the deprived people of tranquility and serenity of its era, aiming to provide advice was thought to have tried to give the Nabi poetry. "(Mengi, 1987: 131) Nabi," the social event of, affected by the political and economic problems, this considering the problems and seeking solutions to them, with a wide cultural and life experience, age is the intellectuals. The reason of Orus his poems with wisdom yarn, largely, when the disabled, based on the influenced of the irregular and corrupt them. "(Mengi, 1987: 132), a new concept to the point of Nabi's Divan poetry, which is the consensus of the sources is that brought a new style statement. Nabi, hikam my school of poetry is the most talented poet of our literature as the founder said. Two main reasons for choosing school Nabi oracular poetry; the creation of appropriate fall oracular poetry and poets have lived in the days of the troubled and depressed state of the downturn. Hikam my thoughts and information which is intended mainly didactic poem by Nâbî'y. He's the function of poetry, personal and warn the reader by showing the reader the social disruption, is seen as the right way to ask. For this purpose, expertly reflected in the corrupt schemes of the era and the place of poetry. (Mengi, 1997: 196) His human re- sources lead to the transfer of these problems were considered independent of the material elements of selflessness and advice. In this respect, Nabi, Divan has the advantage of creating concepts about trade and the economy. This concept is sometimes associated with Durmus lover, but rather used to express social issues. Just as we come across in every classical poet Nabi will supply these issues in a more comprehensive condition. In this article, commercial and determined Divan is located in Nabi economic factors which have sought to demonstrate that their use in context.


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