Türk Müziği'nin birçok şubesinde olduğu gibi Harput Müziği'ne de Ermeni müzisyenlerin katkısı büyük olmuştur. Müslüman ahalinin inançlarından dolayı pek hoş karşılamadıkları çalgı âletlerinin yapımı ve icrasına, inançlarında herhangi bir sakınca bulunmayan Ermeniler sahip çıkmış, aralarından çok değerli çalgıcı (sazende) ve çalgı yapımcıları (lutiyeler) çıkmıştır. Bu değerli müzisyenler, Müslüman okuyucuların (hanendelerin) ses ile icra ettikleri eserleri çalgı âletlerine aktararak Harput Müziği'nin yerleşip gelişmesinde çok büyük bir rol oynamışlardır. Harput'tan İstanbul'a göç eden Ermeni bir aileye mensup olması hasebiyle Harput'la derin gönül bağları bulunan ünlü Türk Müziği nazariyatçısı ve bestecisi Hamparsum Limonciyan ve öğrencileri eliyle İstanbul Ermenileri üzerinde etkili olan Türk Müziği, yine Hamparsum ve öğrencileri vasıtasıyla Harput'a taşınmış ve buradaki Ermeni müzisyenler üzerinde etkili olmuştur. Harput'taki Ermeni müzisyenler, zorlanmadan benimsedikleri Harput'taki Türk Müziği'ne özellikle lütiyelik ve sazendelik bağlamında çok büyük katkı sunmuşlardır. XIX. Yüzyıl Harput'unda Ermeni müzisyenlerin sazende, Müslüman müzisyenlerin de daha ziyade hanende oldukları müzik toplulukları oluşturulmuş, ferdî ve içtimaî hayatın hemen her önemli anında ortaya çıkan müzik ihtiyacı bu topluluklar vasıtasıyla karşılanmaya çalışılmıştır. Müzisyenleri maddî bakımdan destekleyen ve toplumun müzik ihtiyacını gideren bu durum, aynı zamanda Müslim ile Gayr-i Müslim ahalinin birbirleriyle kaynaşmasına da vesile olmuştur. 1915 yılında cereyan eden Ermeni Tehciri ile birlikte diğer Ermeniler gibi bu müzisyenler de Harput'tan göç etmek zorunda kalmış, bu da, ne yazık ki Harput Müziği için çok büyük bir kaybı teşkil etmiştir


The contributions of Armenian musicians hold a great portion in the current status of Harput Music as well as in many branches of Turkish Music. Muslim society, due to their belief, was not welcoming the production of musical instruments and also performing them, while Armenians were not having any disapproval in their beliefs against music by any means. Therefore, Armenians, took possession of music and put efforts on the production of musical instruments and performance of music. In this way, very talented and valuable instrumental musicians and “luthiers” (musical instrument producers) came out of their society. These distinguished Armenian musicians played a very important role in the development of Harput Music by transferring the musical samples performed by Muslim singers to the musical instruments. Thanks to the famous Turkish music theorist and composer Hamparsum Limonciyan, who had deep ties with Harput due to belonging to an Armenian family who migrated from Harput to Istanbul, and his students, Turkish music influenced Istanbul Armenians. Further, it moved to Harput again through Hamparsum and his students, and became influential on the Armenian musicians there. The Armenian musicians in Harput have made a great contribution to the Turkish music of Harput, which they readily adopted, especially in the context of luthiership and musicianship. In the XIXth century Harput, music communities, in which Muslim musicians took a part as songster while non-Muslim musicians took part as instrument players, were established, and the music needs emerged at almost every moment of the individual and social life was tried to be met through these communities. This situation, which supports Musicians in financial respect and solves the need for music of the society, was also a mediator in terms of socialization of Muslim and non-Muslim public. With the Armenian Relocation in 1915, Armenians had to migrate from Harput together with them also the Armenian musicians had to leave Harput. Regrettably, that was a huge loss for Harput Music a-) Until the first quarter of XIXth century, Harput maintained its significance in terms of geopolitical location and therefore fell under a lot of nations’ rule. Herewith, it gained a very colorful culture and music enriched by many cultures and civilizations. b-) Harput Music has an exclusive place in Turkish Music as it hosts the characteristics of Turkish Folk Music and Turkish Classical (Art) Music. c-) In Harput, both Muslims and non-Muslims lived in peace and prosperity for centuries, and culturally interacted each other, as in all other cities of Ottoman Empire. ç-) The Muslim community of Harput neither welcomed playing nor crafting musical instruments due to their religious beliefs, instead, they performed by human voice. d-) The instrument gap appearing because of this situation was filled by Armenians - who did not have any religious oppositions about this- and moreover; they played significant roles by raising very dear musicians (sazende) and instrument crafters (luthiers) amongst their community for Harput Music to develop. e-) As in other nations, the influence of Religious Music on the formation and development of the Armenian National Music has been great, and this influence, with the influence of the Greek Religious Music on the Armenian Religious Music, remains weak compared to the influence of Classical Turkish Music. f-) Along with his students, famous Turkish music theorist, composer, educator and tambourist Hamparsum Limonciyan, who represents the turning point of the musical for the Armenian community, had the most crucial role for Turkish Music to have an influence on Armenian Religious Music. Turkish Music deeply affected Hamparsum when the Head Ney (flute) player Deli (a nickname meaning crazy) İsmail Dede (senior) directed Hamparsum to Beşiktaş Mevlevihane (lodge used by mevlevi dervishes). In the person of Hamparsum, moreover, this indirectly affected Armenian Church and Armenians reacted this normally. So much so that musical works performed in the Armenian Churches in Istanbul were selected and designed according to Turkish Music. g-) Amongst Armenians embracing Turkish Music, especially, aforementioned name of Hamparsum Limonciyan, who saved many works by recording them with a notating system of his own invention, there were many distinguished dear musicians such as Master Nikogos, Master Asdik, Mister Tatyos, Dikran Çuhacıyan aka “Turkish Offenbach”, Bimen Şen, and Edgar Manas, who harmonized Turkish National Anthem. ğ-) Turkish Music that has influence on Istanbul Armenians was moved to Harput via Hamparsum Limonciyan, who had deep ties with Harput due to belonging to an Armenian family who migrated from Harput to Istanbul, along with his students and Armenian-originated Istanbulian Magisters of Armanian Schools in Harput, thus became influential on Armenian Musicians h-) Among the Armenians in Harput embracing Turkish Music, many musicians, who contributed to Harput Music, distinguished such as Drummer Ayron, Boğos the Kanun player, Violinist Körkarabet, Violinist Haço ı-) In parallel with Armenian musicians in İstanbul, Armenian musicians in Harput, also made acquaintance with Turkish Music Instruments specially in terms of crafting (luthiering) and performing. They mostly performed Turkish Classical (Art) Music instruments like Violin and Kanun but in Harput, where Turkish Folk Music was also favored, they also performed Turkish Folk Music instruments like Shrill Pipe, Recorder, and Drum very well. i-) We think that minority psychology lies behind the reason why Turkish Music performed in Harput as well as other cities was so effective on Armenian and Assyrian minorities. However, we can easefully tell that there was not any oppression causing this psychology, and with their total free will, minorities felt like being a part of the traditions of the Turkish, who were the founder and supreme factors of Ottoman Empire. j-) In XIXth century Harput, Muslim and Armenian musicians gathered and established music communities by which they met the music need of people existing in almost every moment of individual and social life. This situation supported Musicians in financial respect and also acted like a mediator in terms of socialization of Muslim and nonMuslim public k-) The positive socio-cultural picture of Harput in XIXth century unfortunately ended in 1915 owing to the “Armenian Deportation” , and, Armenian musicians had to migrate from Harput as all other Armenians did. Further, this sad incident caused a great loss both for Harput and for Harput Music.


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