Lifelong learning, with the help of digital technology, possesses the capacity to offer individual significant advantages to individual learners. This paper examines both the diverse approaches to lifelong learning and the digital tools available to promote these strategies. The paper contains a review of some of the main articles pertaining to the fields of constructivism, digital technology, and the process of lifelong learning. Specifically, the authors intend to critically evaluate the utilization of rapidly developing digital technologies, such as computers, tablets, and mobile devices, within lifelong learning and their role as tools in promoting access to both practical and theoretical knowledge and in facilitating the communication of ideas within a global network, as per the constructivist approach. Hence, this article relies upon a specific definition of lifelong learning and an exploration of the notional foundation of what comprises lifelong learning and the environment in which their knowledge acquisition occurs. Thus, a framework for the present research is established wherein peer-reviewed studies concerning the use of social media by lifelong learners is explored, and extrapolating from the dual tenets of professional development and adult learning theory. Moreover, the authors additionally examine approaches to the notion of PLEs (personal learning environments) and PLNs (personal learning networks) as related to the selection of relevant lifelong learning strategies. The discussion is exemplified by cases ranging from video platforms to blogs and is simultaneously multidisciplinary and spanning diverse fields. Each example has applicability for lifelong learning and represents the characteristics of constructivism and its support within a web-based learning environment. It is thereby suggesting that effective and meaningful strategies supportive of the lifelong learning lifestyle can be achieved via welldesigned PLEs and PLNs.


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