Soil rotifers new to Hungary from the Gemenc floodplain (Duna-Dráva National Park, Hungary)

In summer and autumn 2010, we collected soil samples from the Gemenc floodplain of the Danube (Duna-Dráva National Park) from places with different flood regimes and vegetation cover and examined them for rotifers. We found a total of 31 species; 14 of them are new to the Hungarian fauna. The Hungarian occurrence of 8 further species is confirmed based on their first detailed data from the country. The genus Wierzejskiella Wiszniewski, 1934 is also new for Hungary. This study provides additional support to the conclusion that floodplains of large rivers have a diverse and sensitive biota.

Soil rotifers new to Hungary from the Gemenc floodplain (Duna-Dráva National Park, Hungary)

In summer and autumn 2010, we collected soil samples from the Gemenc floodplain of the Danube (Duna-Dráva National Park) from places with different flood regimes and vegetation cover and examined them for rotifers. We found a total of 31 species; 14 of them are new to the Hungarian fauna. The Hungarian occurrence of 8 further species is confirmed based on their first detailed data from the country. The genus Wierzejskiella Wiszniewski, 1934 is also new for Hungary. This study provides additional support to the conclusion that floodplains of large rivers have a diverse and sensitive biota.


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