Seasonal pattern of population dynamics, spawning activities, and diet composition of sardine ( Sardina pilchardus Walbaum) in the eastern Adriatic Sea

Seasonal pattern of population dynamics, spawning activities, and diet composition of sardine ( Sardina pilchardus Walbaum) in the eastern Adriatic Sea

Monthly samples from commercial catches obtained with purse seiners operating in the Croatian fishing grounds (easternAdriatic Sea) were collected throughout 2013, excluding January and December due to a fishing ban. Overall, 1010 sardine individualswere analyzed. Total body length ranged from 10.4 to 17.6 cm (mean ± SD: 13.9 ± 1.28 cm). Slightly larger individuals were caughtduring autumn at the beginning of the spawning season. Analysis of length mass relationship showed that sardine specimens growisometrically (b = 3.063). Seasonal oscillations of condition factor indicated that the examined specimens were in the best condition atthe beginning of the spawning cycle. The analysis of stomach contents indicated that sardines preferred animal food (calanoid copepods,Oncaeaspp.,Farranula rostrata ), although a plant component was also present (Bacillariophyceae). Seasonality was also observed in dietanalysis, with diet changing in terms of feeding activity and prey quantity. The observed seasonal alternations of allometric conditionfactor and fullness index additionally confirmed that sardines were in the best condition at the beginning of the spawning season, forwhich they prepared themselves by higher feeding intensity, leading to higher storage of consumed energy.


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