Comparative diet of hedgehogs (Atelerix algirus) in two localities in Kabylia, Algeria

Comparative diet of hedgehogs (Atelerix algirus) in two localities in Kabylia, Algeria

The present study is the first qualitative and quantitative analysis of the diet of Algerian hedgehogs (Atelerix algirus) in Kabylia,Algeria. The study was carried out between May and October 2014 and covered two different sites, Yakouren (a forested site) and TiziRached (an agricultural site). In Yakouren, the analysis of droppings allowed us to identify 12,050 items grouped into 16 categories ofeaten preys, while in Tizi-Rached, 13,543 items grouped into 13 categories of preys were identified. In both locations, the Hymenopteracategory is the most eaten type of prey at a rate of 93% in Yakouren and 98% in Tizi-Rached. Moreover, the seasonal variation, the foodselectivity, and comparative studies of the consumed categories between the two sites were analyzed in this study. In the Hymenopteracategory, 99% of the consumed preys at both sites belonged to the family Formicidae. A deeper investigation revealed that 13 specieswere in that family in Yakouren and 11 species in Tizi-Rached. The species most consumed by the hedgehogs at both sites are Messorspp. at a rate of 49% in Yakouren and 91% in Tizi-Rached. In order to analyze the preference for some prey, a biochemical analysis of theenergy intake was performed and discussed.


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