Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Helminths in Stray Dogs in Van Province

Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Helminths in Stray Dogs in Van Province

Objective:This study was carried out on 124 dogs between February 2018 and November 2018 to determine the prevalence of gastrointestinal helminths in stray dogs in Van.Materials and Methods:Collected stool samples, after macroscopic examination, were examined by native, flotation and sedimentation methods in terms of eggs and larvae.Results:According to the results of the study, 43 (34.68%) of 124 dogs were detected as infected with various types of helminths. The most common species were respectively Toxascaris leonina(16.13%), Toxocara canis(12.90%), Ancylostoma caninum(5.64%), Taeniaspp. (4.84%), Dipylidium caninum(3.22%), Uncinaria stenocephala(3.22%), Capillariaspp. (3.22%), Fasciola hepatica(2.70%) and Dicrocoelium dentriticum(1.35%) 35.14% of the female dogs were infected with parasites, while this rate was 34% for males. Statistically, infection status in males and females does not differ significantly by gender (Chi-Square: 0,17 p >0.05). When the distribution by age is examined, it is 0.5-2 years with the highest rate of 45.3%, 2-6 years with 27.7% and 5-9 years with 25%. According to age, infection status does not show a statistically significant difference (Chi-Square: 4.64, p> 0.05).Discussion:As a result, it was concluded that the subsi substantial presence of zoonotic helminths in stray dogs in the province of Van poses a threat to human health and protective measures should be taken against it.


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