Investigation of values of some clinically important blood parameters in Van cats

Investigation of values of some clinically important blood parameters in Van cats

Objective:In this study, normal values of important blood parameters in the clinical direction of blood samples of Van cats living in Van and around Van were investigated. Materials and Methods:In the study, 20 healthy individuals with good nutritional and hygiene conditions and two healthy eyes with different colors were found in the center of Van and in the central villages Results:The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of glucose, total cholesterol, total lipid, total protein, total bilirubine, urea, creatinine quantities, α-Amylase, GOT, GPT, γGT, CK, ALP, LDH, α-HBDH, Che, SDH enzyme activities,  GOT/GPT, γGT/GOT, CK/GOT, LDH/GOT, HBDH/LDH ratios and serum protein fractions in 10 Van cats; albumin, α-1globulin, α-2 globulin, β-globulin, γ-globulin and albumin / globulin ratio were determined.Conclusion:In order for Van cats that are an important cultural asset and protected rather not to become extinct but to provide them with healthy conditions for living and breeding, we believe that the values we identify will contribute to practice associated with Van cats and generate collective reference values in scientific studies and will help our Veterinarians


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