A Case of Pyometra in a 5-Month-Old Cat

A Case of Pyometra in a 5-Month-Old Cat

Pyometra is the most common and important uterine disorder in queens. Ovarian hormones are considered the main factors in pyometra development and progesterone is assumed to be the primary factor of its pathogenesis (dos Anjos Pires et al.,2016). The disease is characterized by an acute or chronic suppurative bacterial infection of uterus (Dow, 1959). Pyometra has been mostly observed in queens older than 6 years but it has no age predilection. The average age of cats with pyometra is between 5 - 7 years. Here in this case we have a 5-month-old cat which has not exprienced oestrus but yet developed a Cystic Endometrial Hyperplasia (CEH)-pyometra complex. In this case ovariohysterectomy was performed on this queen. The treatment procedure continued with fluid therapy and antibiotics.


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