The effect of selenized yeast supplementation on some performance parameters in sheep

The aim of this study was to determine the levels of serum selenium in coarse-haired Pomeranian sheep and to evaluate the effect of the oral supplementation of selenized yeast on selected performance parameters in such sheep. The sheep were divided into 2 groups, with 53 ewes forming the experimental group and 34 ewes forming the control group. The concentration of serum selenium in all 87 sheep from the 2 groups was analyzed. The sheep in the experimental group received selenized yeast for the 3 days before and 3 days after mating (1 g preparation/animal daily, with 1 g of preparation = 1 mg of Se), and in the 7 days before parturition (0.5 g preparation/animal daily). Blood for assays was then collected from the jugular vein (vena jugularis) into tubes, without anticoagulant. The blood samples were taken 14 days after the withdrawal of each supplementation of selenized yeast. Analysis of the concentrations of serum selenium in the sheep showed this element to be deficient in all animals examined. At the start of the experiment, the mean concentration of selenium in the analyzed sheep was 0.013 µg/mL. The use of selenized yeast significantly increased the mean Se concentration, which rose to 0.108 µg/mL. The highest mean serum selenium concentration was recorded after the second administration of selenized yeast. In a group of lambs born from the ewes that had been administered the selenium yeast, a lower mortality rate, a higher birth weight, and a higher number of lambs born alive were all observed compared to the control group. Lambs born from the sheep in the experimental group were characterized by a significantly higher body weight at both 33 days (P

The effect of selenized yeast supplementation on some performance parameters in sheep

The aim of this study was to determine the levels of serum selenium in coarse-haired Pomeranian sheep and to evaluate the effect of the oral supplementation of selenized yeast on selected performance parameters in such sheep. The sheep were divided into 2 groups, with 53 ewes forming the experimental group and 34 ewes forming the control group. The concentration of serum selenium in all 87 sheep from the 2 groups was analyzed. The sheep in the experimental group received selenized yeast for the 3 days before and 3 days after mating (1 g preparation/animal daily, with 1 g of preparation = 1 mg of Se), and in the 7 days before parturition (0.5 g preparation/animal daily). Blood for assays was then collected from the jugular vein (vena jugularis) into tubes, without anticoagulant. The blood samples were taken 14 days after the withdrawal of each supplementation of selenized yeast. Analysis of the concentrations of serum selenium in the sheep showed this element to be deficient in all animals examined. At the start of the experiment, the mean concentration of selenium in the analyzed sheep was 0.013 µg/mL. The use of selenized yeast significantly increased the mean Se concentration, which rose to 0.108 µg/mL. The highest mean serum selenium concentration was recorded after the second administration of selenized yeast. In a group of lambs born from the ewes that had been administered the selenium yeast, a lower mortality rate, a higher birth weight, and a higher number of lambs born alive were all observed compared to the control group. Lambs born from the sheep in the experimental group were characterized by a significantly higher body weight at both 33 days (P


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  • ISSN: 1300-0128
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 6 Sayı
  • Yayıncı: TÜBİTAK
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