İstanbul' da bir köpekte ilk Doctomphyma renale (Goeze, 1782) olgusu

A female specimen of Dioctophyma renale was recovered from the abdominal cavity of a stray dog necropsied in Istanbul, Turkey on 8 June, 1999. The nematode was 55.5 cm in lenght, with a diameter of 0.7 (0.6-0.8) cm. This is the first case report of D. renale from Turkey.

First case report of Dioctophyme renale (Goeze, 1782) in a dog in İstanbul, Turkey

A female specimen of Dioctophyma renale was recovered from the abdominal cavity of a stray dog necropsied in Istanbul, Turkey on 8 June, 1999. The nematode was 55.5 cm in lenght, with a diameter of 0.7 (0.6-0.8) cm. This is the first case report of D. renale from Turkey.


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