Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Patients Diagnosed with Colorectal Cancer: Six-Year Experience

Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Patients Diagnosed with Colorectal Cancer: Six-Year Experience

Background: Cancer is the second cause of death after cardiovascular disease all over the world. Colorectal cancer, as one of the leading cause of cancer deaths, is the third most common cancer in men and the second most common cancer in women. Determination of the demographic and clinical characteristics of colorectal cancer is critical for early diagnosis and treatment of the disease.Aim: To investigate the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of patients with colorectal cancer at medical oncology clinic of Atatürk University.Study Desing: Cross-sectional study.Methods: The study was conducted in hospitalised male, and female patients with colorectal cancer admitted to our clinic from 2010 to 2016. Information such as the demographic characteristics (age, sex, etc.) of the patients, the place they live in, the location of the tumor, the results of pathologic evaluation, the stage of the cancer, the presence of metastasis, chemotherapy and radiotherapy were obtained from the hospital automation system and the patient's inpatient and outpatient files. The study included only patients who were diagnosed and followed up in our clinic. Information on survival status and the date of death were reached from Death Notification System.Results: In our study, 269 patients with colorectal cancer were evaluated. 50.6% of the patients are male, 49.4% female. The mean age was 58.9±14 (29-91) in males and 58.2 ± 14.7 (19-91) in females. 27.9% of patients had a history of smoking whereas 2.2% had a history of alcohol use. The most common subtype was adenocarcinoma (49.4%). The most common site (39.4%) was rectum, and (16.7%) was sigmoid colon. Of the patients, 53.1% were metastatic, and liver metastasis was the most common (44.7%). The most common symptom in patients receiving colorectal cancer was abdominal pain (29%). 32.3% patients underwent palliative surgery. 28.3% patients had comorbid disorder and 4.5% were accompanied by another malignancy. 49.4% of the patients had stage 4, 26% stage 3,  10.8% stage 2,  2.2% stage 1 and  0.4% intramucosal carcinoma. CEA levels were mostly 0-5 ng/Ml (46.1%). CA 9-19 level was mostly 0-40 U/ml (56,5%). Of the patients, 85.5% received chemotherapy and 19% received radiotherapy.Conclusion: There is no effect of sex, smoking and alcohol use, pathologic typing, tumor location, symptoms of arrival, comorbid disorder at survival. Age, presence of distant metastasis, history of operation, CEA and CA 19-9 levels, chemotherapy and radiotherapy status were found to be effective on survival.


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