Back-Calculation of Total Lengths of Luciobarbus mystaceus (Pallas, 1814) from Scale and Otolith Measurements

Back-Calculation of Total Lengths of Luciobarbus mystaceus (Pallas, 1814) from Scale and Otolith Measurements

In this study, the total lengths of Luciobarbus mystaceus species at previous ages were estimated from scale and otolith lengths by using back-calculation methods. For this purpose, 20 fish samples with 4-7 years in age, 37.1-47.4 cm in total length and 426.1-874.1 g in weight were obtained from a commercial fisherman in Keban Dam Lake. By using the back-calculation methods, the mean total length values for each ages calculated from scale lengths and otolith lengths were calculated as L1=7.7, L2=14.9, L3=21.4, L4=28.1, L5=30.3, L6=33.5, L7=35.7 cm and L1=7.5, L2=14.5, L3=19.2, L4=26.3, L5=29.6, L6=33.3, L7=33.9 cm respectively. The total lengths of fish calculated from scale and otolith measurements for all age groups were always determined smaller than observed total lengths of fish. There was a significant differences between calculated and observed lengths, but did not differ between total fish lengths calculated from scale and otolith measurements. 


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