Does fludrocortisone treatment cause hypomagnesemia in children with primary adrenal insufficiency?

Does fludrocortisone treatment cause hypomagnesemia in children with primary adrenal insufficiency?

Background/aim: Aldosterone is a mineralocorticoid that secreted from adrenal glands and a known factor to increase magnesium excretion by direct and indirect effects on renal tubular cells. Although the frequency of hypomagnesemia was found to be approximately 5% in adult studies, there is no study in the literature investigating the frequency of hypomagnesemia in children by using fludrocortisone, which has a mineralocorticoid activity. Materials and methods: A multi-center retrospective study was conducted, including children who were under fludrocortisone treatment for primary adrenal insufficiency and applied to participant pediatric endocrinology outpatient clinics. Results: Forty-three patients (58.1% male, 41.9% prepubertal) included in the study, whose median age was 9.18 (0.61-19) years, and the most common diagnosis among the patients was a salt-wasting form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (67.4%). Mean serum magnesium level was 2.05 (±0.13) mg/dL, and hypomagnesemia was not observed in any of the patients treated with fludrocortisone. None of the patients had increased urinary excretion of magnesium. Conclusion: Unlike the studies performed in adults, we could not find any evidence of magnesium wasting effect of fludrocortisone treatment with normal or even high doses in children and adolescents.Key words: Mineralocorticoids, magnesium, magnesuria, pediatrics, primary adrenal insufficiency


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