The cyclic behavior of the constrictive Markov operators

Let S be a Polish space, and let M\varSigma be the Banach space of finite signed measures on the Borel S-algebra \varSigma of S. Given a constrictive Markov operator T:M\varSigma\rightarrow M\varSigma, we use the asymptotic periodic decomposition of T to determine the set of T-invariant distributions in M\varSigma and the set of T-ergodic distributions. We also give the relationship between the asymptotic periodic decomposition and the cycles of the process relative to the operator T.

The cyclic behavior of the constrictive Markov operators

Let S be a Polish space, and let M\varSigma be the Banach space of finite signed measures on the Borel S-algebra \varSigma of S. Given a constrictive Markov operator T:M\varSigma\rightarrow M\varSigma, we use the asymptotic periodic decomposition of T to determine the set of T-invariant distributions in M\varSigma and the set of T-ergodic distributions. We also give the relationship between the asymptotic periodic decomposition and the cycles of the process relative to the operator T.


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