On P-Sasakian Manifolds Satisfying Certain Conditions on the Concircular Curvature Tensor

We classify P-Sasakian manifolds, which satisfy the conditions Z(x ,X) · Z = 0, Z(x ,X) · R = 0, R(x ,X) · Z = 0, Z(x ,X) · S = 0 and Z(x ,X) · C = 0.

On P-Sasakian Manifolds Satisfying Certain Conditions on the Concircular Curvature Tensor

We classify P-Sasakian manifolds, which satisfy the conditions Z(x ,X) · Z = 0, Z(x ,X) · R = 0, R(x ,X) · Z = 0, Z(x ,X) · S = 0 and Z(x ,X) · C = 0.