Multipliers between Orlicz Sequence Spaces

Let M, N be Orlicz functions, and let D(\ellM , \ellN ) be the space of all diagonal operators (that is multipliers) acting between the Orlicz sequence spaces \ellM and \ellN. We prove that the space of multipliers D(\ellM , \ellN ) coincides with (and is isomorphic to) the Orlicz sequence space \ellMN* , where MN* is the Orlicz function defined by MN*(l ) = \sup \{ N(l x) - M(x), \; x \in (0,1) \}.

Multipliers between Orlicz Sequence Spaces

Let M, N be Orlicz functions, and let D(\ellM , \ellN ) be the space of all diagonal operators (that is multipliers) acting between the Orlicz sequence spaces \ellM and \ellN. We prove that the space of multipliers D(\ellM , \ellN ) coincides with (and is isomorphic to) the Orlicz sequence space \ellMN* , where MN* is the Orlicz function defined by MN*(l ) = \sup \{ N(l x) - M(x), \; x \in (0,1) \}.