Modules With Unique Closure Relative to a Torsion Theory II

We study modules M over a general ring R such that every submodule has a unique closure with respect to a hereditary torsion theory t on Mod-R using the fact that the module M satisfies a certain transitivity property on t-closed submodules.

Modules With Unique Closure Relative to a Torsion Theory II

We study modules M over a general ring R such that every submodule has a unique closure with respect to a hereditary torsion theory t on Mod-R using the fact that the module M satisfies a certain transitivity property on t-closed submodules.


  • Moreover, in this case N+is the unique τ -closure of N in M , for every submodule N of M . Proof. For the equivalence of (1) - (12) see Lemmas 2.3, 2.4 and 2.6 and Corollary 2.5. Now suppose that M is a τ -U C -module. Let N be any submodule of M . Then N+is the unique τ -closure of N in M by the proof of Lemma 2.6.