General rotational surfaces in the 4-dimensional Minkowski space

General rotational surfaces as a source of examples of surfaces in the 4-dimensional Euclidean space were introduced by C. Moore. In this paper we consider the analogue of these surfaces in the Minkowski 4-space. On the basis of our invariant theory of spacelike surfaces we study general rotational surfaces with special invariants. We describe analytically the flat general rotational surfaces and the general rotational surfaces with flat normal connection. We classify completely the minimal general rotational surfaces and the general rotational surfaces consisting of parabolic points.

General rotational surfaces in the 4-dimensional Minkowski space

General rotational surfaces as a source of examples of surfaces in the 4-dimensional Euclidean space were introduced by C. Moore. In this paper we consider the analogue of these surfaces in the Minkowski 4-space. On the basis of our invariant theory of spacelike surfaces we study general rotational surfaces with special invariants. We describe analytically the flat general rotational surfaces and the general rotational surfaces with flat normal connection. We classify completely the minimal general rotational surfaces and the general rotational surfaces consisting of parabolic points.


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