A Note on a Problem of J. Galambos

For any x\in (0,1], letx = \frac{1}{d1} + \frac{a1}{b1} \frac{1}{d2} + ··· + \frac{a1a2 ··· an}{b1b2 ··· bn} \frac{1}{dn+1} + ··· be the Oppenheim series expansion of x. In this paper, we investigate the Hausdorff dimension of the set Bm={x:1

A Note on a Problem of J. Galambos

For any x\in (0,1], letx = \frac{1}{d1} + \frac{a1}{b1} \frac{1}{d2} + ··· + \frac{a1a2 ··· an}{b1b2 ··· bn} \frac{1}{dn+1} + ··· be the Oppenheim series expansion of x. In this paper, we investigate the Hausdorff dimension of the set Bm={x:1


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  • Lu-ming SHEN, Yue-hua LIU and Yu-yuan ZHOU Science college of Hunan Agriculture UniversityChangsha, Hunan, 410086, P.R. CHINA