On $H$-antimagicness of Cartesian product of graphs

A graph $G=(V(G),E(G))$ admits an $H$-covering if every edge in $E$ belongs to a~subgraph of $G$ isomorphic to $H$. A graph $G$ admitting an $H$-covering is called {\it $(a,d)$-$H$-antimagic} if there is a bijection $f:V(G)\cup E(G) \to \{1,2,\dots, |V(G)|+|E(G)| \}$ such that, for all subgraphs $H'$ of $G$ isomorphic to $H$, the $H$-weights, $wt_f(H')= \sum_{v\in V(H')} f(v) + \sum_{e\in E(H')} f(e),$ constitute an arithmetic progression with the initial term $a$ and the common difference $d$. In this paper we provide some sufficient conditions for the Cartesian product of graphs to be $H$-antimagic. We use partitions subsets of integers for describing desired $H$-antimagic labelings.